QO-100 Multimedia Beacon with new content

QO-100 Multimedia Beacon with new content

September 18, 2022 Off By Peter Gülzow

QO-100’s Multimedia HighSpeed Beacon has received another update and now includes 10 tabs for the various AMSAT bulletins. Other functions, such as the DXCluster and the CW spotter have also been revised. Also new are the QO-100 DX Club News, which are constantly updated.



As Florian DF2ET reports, the headers of the tabs are displayed in bold as soon as the respective bulletin content has been received. In addition, the last bulletin received will be scrolled to in each case. This allows the user to read any individual bulletin at any time by selecting the appropriate tab.

For this purpose the file ‘qo100info.html’ was published in a new version “0.95” and updated automatically.


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