Berlin – December 6, 2022 – The Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) today announced the winners of the payload competition for micro-rockets at an event in Berlin. Accordingly, seven companies with a total payload of 136 kg will take off on the first flight of RFA ONE. No other supplier of Microlauncher has been entrusted by so many customers with payloads for the first flight. (Source:

Among the seven companies that will be on board the first flight of RFA ONE is the ERMINAZ mission of AMSAT-DL:

ERMINAZ Mission, AMSAT-Deutschland e.V., Germany

The proposed mission is a syndicated multi-PocketQube mission with a total of 7 PQs) under the leadership of AMSAT-Germany. The project involves several EU countries, the community of radio amateurs AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-EA (Spain), ESERO-Germany (Bochum Observatory), Libre Space Foundation (Greece) and other non-profit EU organizations or institutions. They work to develop open-source space technologies for educational purposes and to promote, advance and develop knowledge about space. The use of PocketQube technology will allow them to maximize the impact of the mission and involve multiple institutions, universities and teams.

ERMINAZ is a “PicoBus” deployer with 7 PocketQubes according to the PQ standard (1PQ = 50x50x50mm).


The individual PocketQubes

PQ Satellite Name Owner Downlink
1P ERMINAZ-1U AMSAT-DL (Germany) 435.775 MHz
1P ERMINAZ-1V AMSAT-DL (Germany) 145.965 MHz
1.5P UNNE-1 (HADES-E) AMSAT-EA (Spain) 436.888 MHz
1.5P MARIA-G (HADES-F) AMSAT-EA (Spain) 436.666 MHz
1P QUBIK 5 Libre Space Foundation (Greece) 453.240 MHz
1P SIDLOC-PQ-1* Libre Space Foundation (Greece) 401-402 MHz
1P SIDLOC-PQ-2* Libre Space Foundation (Greece) 401-402 MHz

* SIDLOC (Spacecraft Identification and Localization) is a project funded by the European Space Agency on non-amateur frequencies



ERMINAZ-1 engineering model



  • PQ standard: 1PQ = 50 x 50 x 50 mm3
  • Mass: 250 g
  • Orbit: ~500 km, SSO, 97.6° inclination
  • Launch: not earlier than summer 2024
  • CCSDS telemetry, CW beacon, SSDV images, digipeater, S&F mailbox and possibly other modes
  • Radiation Sensor BG51
  • Bosch BNO055/08x triaxial accelerometer, triaxial gyroscope and magnetometer
  • ERMINAZ-1U operates on 435.775 MHz
  • ERMINAZ-1V operates on 145.965 MHz
  • Design based on LSF QUBIK (open source)
  • Repository:
  • ERMINAZ-1U (UHF) and ERMINAZ-1V (VHF) IARU frequency coordination:

Further information will follow …

Work on the project, including completion and flight acceptance, is currently in full swing and is taking up every spare minute of the ERMINAZ team’s time. All team members work on the project on a voluntary basis and as soon as time allows, we will continue to update this page – thank you for your understanding!




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