The special voyage of the Polarstern DP0POL/mm
June 25, 2021– a lecture by “Charly” Dr. Karl-August Eichhorn DK3ZL
On Saturday, June 26, 2021, starting at 2:45 p.m. on HAM RADIO WORLD, “Charly” DK3ZL will give a presentation on the progress of Polarstern’s voyage to resupply the German Neumayer Station III in Antarctica.
Charly will give some interesting information about this, somewhat special, voyage of the icebreaker under the conditions of the Covid pandemic as well as some details about the special life and work as a researcher on DP0GVN.
For radio operation via the geostationary QO-100 satellite, AMSAT-DL spontaneously supported the amateur radio station DP0POL on the Polarstern by providing a complete 6 Watt transverter radio station, as well as a 75 cm dish on a tripod.
Cover picture: Copyright C. Rohleder